Mary Ellen Mark Tag

Mary Ellen Mark: A Life Worth Lived

On the 25th of May, 2015, the world of photography lost one of its most cherished contributors. Award winning photographer, Mary Ellen Mark, passed away at the age of 75, after she became a victim of a rare blood and bone marrow condition known as myelodysplastic syndrome. She is and will always be remembered as one of the greatest photographers to have walked the earth. While she rests in peace, her soulful images of marginalized individuals and groups will always continue to haunt and inspire people.   Her journey…   Mary’s first tryst with photography began early, when she first…

New York Through the Eyes of Mary Ellen Mark

Award winning photographer Mary Ellen Mark is a critically acclaimed photographer known for her expertise in the areas of advertising photography, portraiture and photojournalism. Around 16 compilations of her photographic works have been published and exhibited at various locations around the globe. She has been endowed with the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award thrice and has received triple fellowships from the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts). Early life   She started her early years in photography by following transvestite culture, the women’s liberation movement and movements associated with the Vietnam War. This was how her photographic affair with the…